Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Grill Lovin'

So to kick off summer in style we found it only fitting to buy our first "big" person grill none other than Memorial Day weekend. After talking with countless people and accepting loads of advice (most of which was out of our price range) we settled on this black beauty:

 It's certainly not as magnificent as all of the other grills at the Depot...but we were just as thrilled to roll out of there with this on our dolly. But first, we had to checkout. We pull up to the register giddy that black beauty was already assembled for us and the checkout lady asked if we want a 2 year warranty for $12. On an $88 dolla-grill? So what you're saying is we can get a brand new grill in the next 2 years if something breaks? For free? Yes please. Oh yeah and we had a 10% off Lowe's coupon that Home Depot will honor. So essentially we got the warranty for free.

What should we make for our first meal? A friend gave us a great burger idea and here is the recipe I used (I made them in bulk to freeze so we will be happy burger eaters this summer).

Organic Black Bean and Brie Stuffed Burgers
4 lbs. Organic Ground Beef
2 Diced Red Onions
2 Cans Organic Black Beans
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Ground Cumin
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Pepper
First I sauteed the onions until they were tender.
Then I combined the meat, onions, black beans, and seasonings.
I added a dollop of brie in the middle of each burger. Did you know you are supposed to press down in the middle of the burger so they cook evenly? Look! I made 20 burgers. Lot's of fun this summer...
 Ta Da! Here is the final product. I made up some summer slaw with bok choy and cabbage to go with the burgers. It was the perfect Memorial Day!

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